Our proven pond monitoring system is a combination of years of research & development, dependable equipment, and efficient technology. Each pond has its own monitor to minimize risk.
AerWare is how information is managed locally and uploaded to the cloud for remote viewing, etc. It is also where alarms are processed and sent out. Even though it is an integral part of the whole system, it is primarily for the farmers benefit as the pond-side equipment does not need the computer to function.
This industry first from AerCon is an excellent risk reduction tool. It can also be used as a second opinion OR a short-term replacement for the main buoy. Why work all year watching your fish day and night and then stress them, or worse, in the sock? Frankly, we don't know why either! It's wireless and self-contained for ease of use, transport, and storage.
A great option for keeping fish and feed records organized. There are two cloud-based components in FeedXpress. 'Mobile feed' allows for quick, easy data entry while on-the-go and the main setup, general management, and reporting are done at the PC. No more wind blown, water stained, or hand scribbled paper disasters!
We realize farmers have a limited amount of tools, time, and profits to survive on. AerCon's uncompromising focus on details and excellence will help its customers succeed. Yesterdays concepts and obsolete equipment will not work; competitions today are not won by wide margins.
Look for more new products from AerCon. From rugged equipment and state-of-the-art technology to a team that is passionate about progress, you are in good company! Our fiercest competition? Ourselves!